Based on the recognition of climate change as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, this strategy reflects the commitment of the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza to move towards sustainable and climate-resilient development, strengthening local planning in accordance with the Municipal Development Programme 2021–2024.

November 16, 2023.

As a planning tool for the society of San Nicolás de los Garza and its future generations, the Municipal Strategy for Climate Action of San Nicolás de los Garza (EMAC-SNG) aims to reduce air pollution, increase urban resilience, and improve governance conditions, by designing and implementing a climate action pathway that guides public policies based on 15 strategies, grouping 39 strategic lines and a total of 181 actions.


For the Municipal Strategy for Climate Action, various characteristics of the municipality were identified that are of great climate relevance. Among them stand out:

  • Located in Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza represents 0.1% of the state's territory and, along with 16 other municipalities, is part of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area (AUM). With an area of 60.1 km2, its geographical location is strategic for the dynamics of the metropolitan area, as it is in the central zone of Monterrey.
  • Floods, droughts, and frosts are the hydro-meteorological events with the highest risk due to their intensity and frequency.
  • In the most unfavourable and long-term scenario, climate change in San Nicolás de los Garza would result in a reduction in rainfall of up to 27 % and the occurrence of extreme maximum temperatures that could reach 50.35 °C.
  • SNG can be carbon neutral by 2100, with a 35% reduction in emissions by 2030, a 54% reduction by 2050 and an 81% reduction by 2070.
  • The community's adaptive capacity exceeds its exposure and climate sensitivity, offering great opportunities for the future.

Climate action pathway

Mitigation, adaptation, and governance strategies contribute to achieving national and global goals from a local perspective.

Mitigation: This thematic axis, which focuses on environmental protection, consists of five strategies that together encompass 11 strategic lines. These strategic lines group a total of 39 actions aimed at avoiding and sequestering 1,184,082 tCO2e by 2030, 3,211,476 tCO2e by 2050 and 6,593,801 tCO2e by 2070, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2100. It highlights actions to reduce emissions in activities and sectors over which the municipality has competence. In particular, it focuses on direct emissions caused by combustion and on reducing indirect emissions caused by inefficient energy use and the handling of substances or particles.

Adaptation: This axis proposes 68 actions focused on seeking urban resilience by reducing and mitigating exposure and sensitivity to climate change in the community and strengthening adaptive capacity. The guidelines integrate approaches such as watershed management, protection of environmental services, integral risk management with a precautionary approach, nature-based solutions (NBS) and ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) as well as community-based adaptation (CBA) measures.

Climate governance: This strategy is based on the principle that action on climate change, and in particular building capacity to respond, is a matter for the entire San Nicolás society. Seventy-four cross-cutting actions are proposed to support the implementation of the EMAC-SNG.

The Climate Action Pathway is the result of a collective effort involving citizens, experts, and decision-makers. In line with the 2030 City Vision (UN-Habitat, 2021) goals for achieving a green and resilient city, the EMAC-SNG proposes concrete solutions, mechanisms, and projects to address climate change from the local level and supports strategies and policies for the Municipal Programme for Climate Action.

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